Cooking sheets / Silicone resin coated cook sheet About【シリコン樹脂加工クッキングシー】

Cooking sheets / Silicone resin coated cook  sheet About【シリコン樹脂加工クッキングシー】
【Size】30cm × 500cm × 0.1cm 11.861in × 196.9004in × 0.0894in
【Material】シリコーン樹脂耐油加工紙 Silisone Resin-Coated Oil-Resistant Paper
【Extened information】お菓子作りに。蒸し料理に。オーブントースターに。オーブン料理に。焦げつき防止。落とし蓋に。 For baking cookies and pastries.For steam cooking.For toaster oven cooking.For oven cooking.For protecting food from burning and sticking.For cooking with a lid resting directly on food.
【About Bulk Orders】A limit order is 30 pieces
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